Event Results

The 2024 Challenge Cup was played at Gosford GC on Sunday 9 June and the full result sheet can be viewed by clicking here.

Shelly Beach's team played consistently to claim the Cup with an aggregate score of 178 stableford points. Gosford were close behind with 174 points followed by Toukley with 172 points. Interestingly, Everglades had 2 juniors in their team and unfortunately one forgot to sign his card which, with 27 points recorded on it, would have given Everglades 180 points and bragging rights for the next 12 months.

In the individual events Annette Duncan from Everglades won the ladies over the field trophy and Kooindah Waters Josh Bousfield, with a par round off scratch for 36 points, won the men's over the field trophy.

The ladies "A" grade prize was taken by Stephanie Rapmund (KW) with 33 pts, the "B" grade by Jenny Bennett (SB) with 34 pts and the "C"grade by Lyn-Maree Plumb from Toukley with 28pts.

Gavin Higgin (Tou) had 34 for the win in "A" grade, Brett Ryan, after going so close in the overall event, took "B" grade with 36pts and keeping things in the family Greg Rapmund from KW took the prize in "C" grade.

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