
The first of the 2024 inter district games was played at Belmont Golf Club on Sunday 23 June 2024.

Like most clubs along the eastern seaboard, Belmont has received higher than usual rainfall and at one stage moving the event to Nelson Bay was under consideration. A week in advance it was decided to proceed at Belmont and a week of fine weather suggested that there might be a few wet patches however the evening of Friday 21 June saw more wet weather which continued all through Saturday and into Sunday morning.

The first match got under way at 8.00am off the tenth tee and two groups got through the 11th hole before the heavens opened and play had to be suspended for more than 30 minutes as the actual hole was flooded by a stream of water running right across the elevated green.

There were a few further spells of wet weather before the last group finished with 6 of the 12 matches finishing on the final green.

Having won the event in both 2022 (at Toronto) and 2023 (at Shelly Beach) CCDGA was keen to make it three in a row, something that doesn't happen all that often in these matches. Pleasingly, our Juniors stood up and won all 6 matches and when the Seniors captures 2.5 of the 6 points on offer in their Division the trophy came home to the Coast for another year. Beware the wounded tiger and I am sure Newcastle will throw everything at us next year.

To view the full result sheets click here.

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